UI Requirements

User Task #1:

• As a user, Austin, I want to listen to the artists that my friends listen to Pages to Design

Home Page

High Level Requirement

A modified home page with additional feature that provides a “Based on what your friends listened to” section

Detailed Requirements

• Additional category called “Based on what your friends listen to”

◦ Artists that friends have listened to in the past week
◦ Displayed in roulette format, with most frequently listened to artists first, followed by less frequently listened to artists
◦ Image of artist with name underneath

User Task #2:

• As a user, Austin, I want to listen to songs with my friends via the streaming party feature

Pages to Design

Streaming Party Page
Streaming Party Music Selection Page

High Level Requirement

Streaming Party Page – displays which users have joined the session Music Selection Page – displays playlists to choose from

Detailed Requirements

Streaming Party Page

  • Box with names of users that have joined

  • Invite Users Button

“Start music” button for group leader to press when all members have joined

◦ Clicking button by group leader leads to Music Selection Page

Streaming Party Music Selection Page

• Playlists presented

◦ Click playlist for song selection